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这款应用,可以制作一些表格,如一般学生用的课程表,平常我们用的时间表,以及其他的一些表格。表格在制作号之后,保存在手机中,可以进行新建,删除等操作,也可以打开之前保存的,再次输入。制作的表格最多有19行,19列。可以拖动,缩放表格,长按输入表格内容。免費玩表格 APP玩免費免費玩表格 App表格 A...
An extraordinary twist on Scrabble, Wordsearch and Wordfued games by kidga.com. Play new innovative game in english or russian (set russian locale on ...
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Triple 200x Slots, this is a nudge based slots machine, this is a virtual version of a 3 reel, 1 payout line slot machine. This game simulates the fee...
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IDEAL Accessible Voter Information Guide Beta prompts users to enter their address. The app then submits the address information to Google's Civic...
A. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE-------------------------------------------1. Launch IDEAL Currency Identifier2. Read the start-up banner3. Select, “Do Not Sho...
This is the official Android phone application of Perempuan.com. Get the latest updates on Lifestyle for women and family. Delivers most needed inform...
InfiCare provides a free ICD-10 & ICD-9 Code Reference App for your phone and tablet for quick reference of 2014 ICD-10-CM and ICD-9-CM codes.App is a...