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AiCARD香港全城至HIGH打折优惠APP!折扣优惠,时时尽享。 我们拥有众多独家优惠商户,强有力优惠折扣。为您提供各城市美食、酒店、娱乐、商品等各类优惠信息。AiCARD精心打造的手机客户端,简单顺畅的操作体验让手机用户随时随地享受便捷的优惠体验,更有手机用户转享的抽奖活动等着您。 【功能亮点】...


This app shows AIKATSU card information gathered from web site. You can mark the card you own, edit note onto card.And include mini game using AIKATSU...

Photo Lust

Add attractive and creative text to your photos! Photo Lust allows you to change the color, size, font, and opacity of your text to personalize your p...