

月亮代表我的心 春江潮水连海平,海上明月共潮生。滟滟随波千万里,何处春江无月明!请欣赏动态壁纸的海上明月图 注:这不是壁纸,是动态壁纸,跟普通应用不同的是需要运行在android2.1及以上系统,下载安装后请按机子上的【MENU】->【壁纸】->【动态壁纸】里就可以设置。更多效果需要打开设置才能看到...


Fimucité, Festival Internacional de Música de Cine de Tenerife. Este evento, consolidado ya como una de las referencias mundiales en su género, contin...

Modern Flappy

Modern Flappy uses different characters in this game. Modern Flappy is out with new challenges. The environment is taken on a whole new level. It’s co...

Marriage Life

Marriage Life in Russian highlights the Marriage in the light of Islam and collected various Hadiths about Islam. Since Islam is not only a religion b...