

佛說阿彌陀經姚秦三藏法師鳩摩羅什譯佛教經典以中文直式閱讀的方式顯示內容(Traditional Chinese only)註:經過測試,發現部份手機無法顯示經文中少數罕用字,推測是手機字庫完整性的問題,並非程式本身漏字,請見諒。版本更新資訊:v1.1:- 修正中,文字編碼錯亂的問題。免費玩佛說阿彌陀...


簡介 : 往生咒,全稱拔一切業障根本得生淨土陀羅尼,又稱往生淨土神咒,是佛教淨土宗的重要咒語。淨土宗認為,誦持此咒能拔除一切業障。誦持此咒者,阿彌陀佛會在其頭上護持,使他離苦得樂,並在其命終之時,接引其入西方淨土。程式功能 : 基本的往生咒閱讀。提供”唱誦(未知)”、”道證法師恭讀”、”淨土篇 - ...


Fashion Hand - Second-hand luxury shopping with authenticity guaranteed. With the iPhone App you can constantly see all new arrivals. Adding money to ...

Take Two

Take Two! is a fun, fast-paced word game where you try to form connected words from your available letters as quickly as possible, in a race against y...


Supernifty's Playalong offers an easy new way to learn a new song on your guitar, ukulele or banjo.Playalong provides ukulele, guitar and banjo chords...

Audio Tuner

Quickly and easily tune just about any musical instrument to perfect pitch.Audio Tuner provides * a full spectrum analysis,* a pitch pipe, * built-in ...