TOEIC GEPT多益與全民英檢文法練習
本英文文法應用程式適用對象為多益及全民英檢的考生。其內容包含10個章節,每章都有文法重點及測驗,測驗題目總共有100題,方便讀者同時學習和練習。第一次下載使用本產品的朋友,系統會要求幫您安裝檔案大小約15MB的Adobe AIR軟體。請你一併下載安裝完畢後,再到手機應用程式處找到本產品的圖示,然後請...
本英文文法應用程式適用對象為多益及全民英檢的考生。其內容包含10個章節,每章都有文法重點及測驗,測驗題目總共有100題,方便讀者同時學習和練習。第一次下載使用本產品的朋友,系統會要求幫您安裝檔案大小約15MB的Adobe AIR軟體。請你一併下載安裝完畢後,再到手機應用程式處找到本產品的圖示,然後請...
「TutorGEPT Intermediate」為TutorABC專業語言顧問針對歷屆全民英檢中級考題,編撰而成的專業英文檢定APP!●行動學習 由TutorABC專業語言顧問針對GEPT考試進行中級測驗的規劃,讓您無論在任何時間、任何地點,皆能身處英語學習環境!●模擬全民英檢考試情境 收納聽力、閱...
豐富的單字(3400)資料與例句輔助, 讓你不用再額外攜帶書本或上網, 就可以隨時隨地準備英檢單字(離線閱讀).內含單字的釋義主要資料來自網路,yahoo字典此應文學習系統提供智慧型模式輔助學習,非一般系統僅將書本電子化而已.系統提供下列智慧輔助功能:1.每個單元學習文字系統會依使用者閱讀情況自動調...
This is a touch game application. You can play with Yoko on it. She is a character of "Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann".★Characteristic of this application...
"The app is simple as described but it flat out gets the job done. I leave my iPad sitting on my desk at work and haven't used a sticky note since I p...
Dear friends! We are happy to introduce you the "USA Top500". This application features a great mix of interesting and simply funny facts about every ...
iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad version of the popular Macintosh brick breaking game. Destroy the bricks by bouncing up one or more balls. Contrary to other si...
Designed specifically for the iPhone & iPad, Paint Pal provides both the professional and amateur painter the ability to create digital masterpieces. ...
This is an eBook written by an eight-year-old Chelsea Moon. Blurb: Maty the dolphin finds a piano in the middle of the ocean. She is so excited about ...
Follow the intricate paths of the celtic stones in an exciting race for the highest score.Play numbered cards to move your figures as far as possible ...