听美剧,练听力,纠正发音 拥有了它你就拥有去纽约敲钟的机会 以下是作者的感慨: 某天清晨起来打开听力,突然发现大部分美剧都能听懂了,但是我知道做什么事情没什么能一蹴而就的, 在背后是每天抽点时间坚持不懈地重复听自己感兴趣的美剧,而听的过程中4级的单词会重复出现加固记忆。 以下是一位屌丝逆袭的感言: ...
听美剧,练听力,纠正发音 拥有了它你就拥有去纽约敲钟的机会 以下是作者的感慨: 某天清晨起来打开听力,突然发现大部分美剧都能听懂了,但是我知道做什么事情没什么能一蹴而就的, 在背后是每天抽点时间坚持不懈地重复听自己感兴趣的美剧,而听的过程中4级的单词会重复出现加固记忆。 以下是一位屌丝逆袭的感言: ...
This app is for people who visit or intent to visit the city of Derry. More specificly the area of Free Derry and Fountain.Free Derry and Fountain is ...
This application contains text for four famous Christmas carols:1] Jingle Bells2] Deck the Halls3] Dominic the Donkey4] We wish a Merry ChristmasPleas...
"The Star-Spangled Banner" is the national anthem of the United States of America. \n\n The lyrics come from "Defence of Fort McHenry", a poem written...
The Qaumi Tarana is the National Anthem of Pakistan. The words "Qaumi Tarana" in Urdu literally translate to "National Anthem". The current national a...
This is an intuitive application that let you do two major things:1. Forward your SMS messages to any E-mail you choose.2. Save to your E-mail the his...
Surprise your love ones !So how does it works:You tell to one of your love ones that you found a cool 'love quiz' in the app store.This is act...
This is an intuitive application that let you forward your SMS messages to any E-mail you choose.If you like this App, you can always upgrade to SMS2M...
【AKB48きせかえ for GooglePlay】AKB48こじはること小嶋陽菜のきせかえテーマアプリ-Janken 2012-が登場!!じゃんけん大会の衣装のきせかえがついに登場☆個性的な衣装が必見のきせかえだよ♪このアプリは【AKB48きせかえ for GooglePlay】が提供するホームア...
Seriedade, organização e ousadia são qualidades que o ouvinte reconhece e valoriza e agora com esse aplicativo para o Smartphone ou Tablet Android, vo...