

RO.tel provides a phone directory for Romania. It allows you to find businesses or people then place a call, view the address on a map or add to conta...

打怪 練功 衝裝備


Flip Bug

Flip Bug!- Collect fruit as the bug charges faster and faster through the maze- Tap the screen to flip from the floor to the ceiling and back- Don'...

支付宝钱包(Zhifubao Qianbao for iPhone iPad)

支付宝钱包内置风靡全国的平民理财神器“余额宝”,还有还信用卡、转账、充话费、缴水电煤全部免费,有了钱包还能便宜打车、去便利店购物、售货机买饮料,更有众多银行和品牌商家的精品服务。你和1亿多钱包用户一起,好钱包,很安全,会赚钱,更懂生活!【官方微博】@支付宝钱包 http://weibo.com/zf...