
社區管委會 - 國王與我

內容介紹 : 地址:台中市南屯區河南路4段350巷12號 總幹事:陳麗珠 地區:台灣 臺中市 南屯區 村里/社區:手機推播公佈欄 補強傳統張貼式公佈欄,直接快速將訊息推播送達居民手機內。避免居民沒看到重要公告訊息。 村里/社區:手機雙向討論區 居民不用撥時間親自參加會議,透過手機就可以方便的參與各...


FanShoes started in early 2012 when Jessica Griffiths (That's me, and yes - I'm trying to be professional and so am talking about myself in th...


Since 1951, we want to provide you with a wide variety of products and services that will answer all your engraving needs. We are a 100% CANADIAN owne...