

你想显得漂亮,有点大男子主义,在你眼中的火花比您的设备上有“资治通鉴应用程序” 。这是一个应用程序,捕捉到你的卡在你最有吸引力的和设计师帧。这些框架可以给你扣一个迷人的外观。您可以选择任何您选择的框架,创造了惊人的人像自己,你的朋友和亲人和附近。   如何使用“我的镜子”1 个单元,无论是从前端或后...

Water Scape

Ripple effect living panorama landscape! This is a amazing software which simulates Mac's famous ripple effect screensaver, but more artistic with pan...

Peppers The Game

Experience the next addictive game created exclusively for the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad. 'Peppers' is unlike any other match-three on the market t...