

自然道量化是一款集创新、简洁、高效为一体的股票投资理财软件。其界面清晰、操作简单,包含自然道独创的股道与NDQ智能量化交易两项重量级投资理财功能。 ① 股道功能:紧跟沪深实时行情,时刻把握市场动态;多空波段和仓位提示,打造严密的风控屏障。 ② NDQ量化:开创股市量化投资新概念,NDQ策略,智能交易...

Tap Slide 2

The same Tap Slide… but this time not so squarish.The world’s easiest game Sliding Puzzle, with one touch control.Just tap to slide into place and for...

Tap Slide

The world’s easiest game Sliding Puzzle, with one touch control.Just tap to slide into place and form the complete picture.Lesser move you make, the h...

Orbit One

Your mission is to rescue as many astronaut as you can.Timing is everything.Launch your rocket from the spinning planetary orbit to change your direct...