安卓程序分类 1. 有效的解决手机程序增多以后,因没有分类管理而导致的查找困难; 2. 本程序默认创建12个分类,可满足大部分用户的分类需求; 3. 默认的12个分类采用12宫图的方式排列,并在一屏中完整显示,查找快捷; 4. 用户可自由添加,删除或修改分类,名称和图标可根据个人喜好修改; 5. 支...
安卓程序分类 1. 有效的解决手机程序增多以后,因没有分类管理而导致的查找困难; 2. 本程序默认创建12个分类,可满足大部分用户的分类需求; 3. 默认的12个分类采用12宫图的方式排列,并在一屏中完整显示,查找快捷; 4. 用户可自由添加,删除或修改分类,名称和图标可根据个人喜好修改; 5. 支...
安卓程序分类1. 有效的解决程序安装增多以后,因没有分级菜单,而导致的程序查找困难;2. 本程序将应用分成12类,并用12宫图的方式显示,清晰直观;3. 可创建分类的桌面快捷方式(长按分类),从而使程序检索深度减少一级;4. 支持创建常用程序分类,可通过滑动操作与分类目录之间进行切换;5. 每个分类...
安卓程序分类1. 有效的解决手机程序增多以后,因没有分类管理而导致的查找困难;2. 本程序默认创建12个分类,可满足大部分用户的分类需求;3. 默认的12个分类采用12宫图的方式排列,并在一屏中完整显示,查找快捷;4. 用户可自由添加,删除或修改分类,名称和图标可根据个人喜好修改;5. 支持重置分类...
ICD9 application gives you the latest ICD9-CM diagnosis codes on your mobile. If you need to quickly and easily find a code from the International Sta...
ICD 9 and ICD 10 Dictionary Lite gives you the complete reference of ICD 9 and ICD 10 codes, which was listed by WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION. Limited Ed...
ICD 9 and ICD 10 Dictionary gives you the complete reference of ICD 9 and ICD 10 codes, which was listed by WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION. The App is simp...
VoiceCalc Lite is a free fully functional speaking calculator.VoiceCalc Lite comes with a full set of voice clips and speaks clearly in a nice British...
This app is designed to help students master the following Common Core Math Standard:1.OA.D.7: Understand the meaning of the equal sign, and determine...
'Freestyle' mode lets you create & record your own unique Jungle musical masterpieces using the sights & sounds of the Jungle! Watch the animals come ...
******Featured on the iTunes in "New" for iPhone and iPad in USA. ******Ever wonder what you'd look like with colorful hair and eye? Your pictures don...