二代健保即將上路,但仍覺得一頭霧水嗎?我們細心的為您列出健保局目前規劃收取的六項額外收入標的:高額獎金、執行業務收入、股利所得、利息所得、租金收入及兼職所得,以及誰能享有「免繳」資格?一一表列說明,只要您填入自己的收入情況,即能實際試算出,一旦二代健保如期上路,您將多繳多少補充保費? 不管未來預計如...
二代健保即將上路,但仍覺得一頭霧水嗎?我們細心的為您列出健保局目前規劃收取的六項額外收入標的:高額獎金、執行業務收入、股利所得、利息所得、租金收入及兼職所得,以及誰能享有「免繳」資格?一一表列說明,只要您填入自己的收入情況,即能實際試算出,一旦二代健保如期上路,您將多繳多少補充保費? 不管未來預計如...
JustTrivia is just that: Trivia. The lite version includes around 60 questions and will hopefully give you an idea of what the full version will be li...
Nosso aplicativo permite que você chame um de nossos táxis e acompanhe o deslocamento do carro no mapa, sendo avisado quando ele estiver na sua porta....
Do as you are told, simple really.Await instructions and then carry them out, instructions such as tapping, swiping, putting things down, making noise...
Created for Global Games Jam 2014 based on the theme "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."#### PLEASE NOTE ####This is buggy, ...
En Taxi Speedy, nos preocupamos por tu integridad. Por ello, llegamos a recogerte a la puerta de donde te encuentres. Sabemos que, hoy en día, la inse...
Rugby Union is governed by 22 laws contained in a book that is almost 200 pages in length. The game is faster than ever before and regular refinements...