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Mon Dictionary

That is English to Mon Dictionary Base on Nai Htun Wai Print Dictionary, We are using Myanmar Unicode Padauk if you are under Android 4.3 is not able ...


Fashion Hand - Second-hand luxury shopping with authenticity guaranteed. With the iPhone App you can constantly see all new arrivals. Adding money to ...

Take Two

Take Two! is a fun, fast-paced word game where you try to form connected words from your available letters as quickly as possible, in a race against y...


Supernifty's Playalong offers an easy new way to learn a new song on your guitar, ukulele or banjo.Playalong provides ukulele, guitar and banjo chords...

Audio Tuner

Quickly and easily tune just about any musical instrument to perfect pitch.Audio Tuner provides * a full spectrum analysis,* a pitch pipe, * built-in ...