《中华医学会系列杂志》是中华医学会杂志社旗下刊物,中华医学会杂志为目前国内最大且最具影响力的医学专业杂志社,是以编辑出版中华医学会主办的各类医学期刊为主要任务的全国性医学期刊出版机构,中华医学会主办的 医学期刊已达128种,已形成了国内医药卫生界数量最多、影响最大、权威性最强的医学期刊系列。 《中华...
《中华医学会系列杂志》是中华医学会杂志社旗下刊物,中华医学会杂志为目前国内最大且最具影响力的医学专业杂志社,是以编辑出版中华医学会主办的各类医学期刊为主要任务的全国性医学期刊出版机构,中华医学会主办的 医学期刊已达128种,已形成了国内医药卫生界数量最多、影响最大、权威性最强的医学期刊系列。 《中华...
1.最全的中药知识百科! 2.中国传统医学的一部分知识,细节在本节中,我将介绍多种常用汉字,品味,和知识的子午线,有效性、角色和应用中药鉴定教你认识中国的医学。中医治病,讲究理法方药,药是实现治疗目的的重要环节。而对药的用法以及认识是必须要掌握的一个知识。中药知识宝典涵盖七大类、几百种中药的介绍。 ...
Pythagoras was the leader of a mysterious branch in ancient Greece. They worshiped numbers and thought that numbers were the origin of all things in t...
Welcome to Kogarah Public School on your iPhone and iPod Touch! The best way to always keep in touch and be informed about what's happening at your sc...
Every XrMath App provides a virtually limitless supply of questions to let students DO math.Intended for classroom use but also suitable for individua...
Pythagoras' Theorem is an App which covers Pythagoras and finding the lengths of sides in a right-angled triangle. Lessons, Quiz, Formula, Revision qu...
Study geometry while playing on squared paper. Construct and explore different geometric objects: squares, parallelograms, perpendiculars, angle bisec...
This collection contains apps that will help teachers implement Common Core Standard 8.G.6 for 8th grade mathematics.免費玩Pythagorean Theorem 8.G.6 APP玩...
Koko Math Free is the FREE, addition only, version of Koko Math.Koko Math Free is a multi language* basic math trainer app where you can take tests in...