Roomba Wifi
With this App and this module from you will be able to drive your own Roomba!Set your Roomba to receive an IP from your router...
With this App and this module from you will be able to drive your own Roomba!Set your Roomba to receive an IP from your router...
WiFi Band is an Android app that notifies the user about the radio bandwidth (2.4GHz or 5GHz) and the SSID of the connected WiFi network.This could be...
If you install (and enable) this app, your smart phone will prefer to connect to 5GHz Wifi networks instead of 2,4GHz networks.Additionally a small ic...
A WiFi Survey / Wardriving Application.Gather wifi networks data as you commute. Get some neat statistics. This app is free (ad supported).Permissions...
Wifi Timer enables you to schedule a timer that will turn your wifi on or off.For example, you can schedule a timer that would "Turn Wifi On Monday th...
The FREE Karma app helps you get the most out of your Karma WiFi hotspot. Don’t have one? Buy one at and stay connected on-the-go. With ...
Show notification when no AP is available. You can turn off wifi easily.Wifi on/off widget is included!If you have some trouble with this, please emai...
打開便攜式Wi-Fi熱點 提高您的移動計算體驗。 簡單,快捷。 **在運行應用程序的配置是必需的。 地點:設置 - >更多.. - >圈養及便攜式熱點 - >設置Wi-Fi熱點 Rename or se...
多國語言支持(Multi-language support): English,正體中文,简体中文你覺得電信業者的3G網路又爛又慢嗎?你覺得辦吃到飽根本就是浪費錢嗎?你想知道你附近有沒有開放的WiFi無線網路可以用嗎?那你一定要來試試WiFiMap!WiFiMap聽到大家的心聲了!WiFiMap貼心...