

《中华医学会系列杂志》是中华医学会杂志社旗下刊物,中华医学会杂志为目前国内最大且最具影响力的医学专业杂志社,是以编辑出版中华医学会主办的各类医学期刊为主要任务的全国性医学期刊出版机构,中华医学会主办的 医学期刊已达128种,已形成了国内医药卫生界数量最多、影响最大、权威性最强的医学期刊系列。 《中华...




This very simple app allows you to change screens by clicking a button!If you are in an app development class and would like to view the mit app inven...


This app allows you to play a game of avoiding letting a ball get below your paddle while the difficulty increases.If you are in an app development cl...

Mole Mash 2

This is an app similar to mole mash except the mole pops out of set holes rather than just a random spot on the screen!If you are in an app developmen...


This simple app allows you to change the background color of the hornet from black to white or white to black by clicking a button!If you are in an ap...

Mini Golf

This app allows you to play 18 holes of mini golf!If you are in an app development class and would like to view the mit app inventor blocks zip file s...