以减少温室气体排放为目标,构筑低能耗、低污染为基础的照明发展体系。大功率的光源会散发出大量的热量导致室内温度的上升,同时也增加空调的负担,温室气体的排放也大大增加。采用低能耗、低污染的照明以降低能源的功耗,同时降低温室气体的排放。LIGHT PLUS致力于低碳照明的推广和应用,具有完善的节能环保、低...
以减少温室气体排放为目标,构筑低能耗、低污染为基础的照明发展体系。大功率的光源会散发出大量的热量导致室内温度的上升,同时也增加空调的负担,温室气体的排放也大大增加。采用低能耗、低污染的照明以降低能源的功耗,同时降低温室气体的排放。LIGHT PLUS致力于低碳照明的推广和应用,具有完善的节能环保、低...
低碳,近几年才刚刚窜热的新词汇,,但是它的实现与否, 直接关系到了人类当代以及后代的生活质量。我希望用网络这个大众平台, 将低碳生活的理念传递给大众,并且呼吁身边的人都行动起来,形成人人了解低碳、践行低碳的社会风气。免費玩低碳百科 APP玩免費免費玩低碳百科 App低碳百科 APP LOGO低碳百科...
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The De-Articulator discombobulates your brain! We usually take talking, seeing and hearing, for granted. Suddenly, when we experience the De-Articulat...
De Bijbel - Dutch Holy BibleKies een boek uit de Bijbel in de Nederlandse taalOude Testament - Old Testament[1] Genesis[2] Exodus[3] Leviticus[4] Numb...
USTO est une application descriptive de l'Université des Sciences et de la Technologie d'Oran (Algérie). Elle définie les différentes facul...
Welcome to Carlisle Primary School on your iPhone and iPod Touch! The best way to always keep in touch and be informed about what's happening at your ...
Whether you are stuck in traffic, waiting for your connection, cramming for that English test, or just relaxing on your sofa, Traveling Classics provi...
Whether you are stuck in traffic, waiting for your connection, cramming for that English test, or just relaxing on your sofa, Traveling Classics provi...
Fotografa il tuo disegno, scegli la migliore inquadratura, aggiungi gli elementi che preferisci scegliendoli dalla gallery. Questa app è abbinata al t...