Ma.Compass - Augmented Reality
This is an add-on to Marine Compass that will allow you to view the real world under the compass. This can be really useful to precisely point a given...
This is an add-on to Marine Compass that will allow you to view the real world under the compass. This can be really useful to precisely point a given...
This proof of concept demonstrates how to superimpose 3D objects (Drawn with OpenGL) over specific patterns recognized through the device's camera in ...
AiR VIEW Augmented Realty Viewer makes your printed adds and art spring to digital life! Ever wished you could get all the benefits of digital signage...
*** Download the newest Junaio today! *** Junaio is the most advanced mobile augmented reality browser. It’s a fast and easy way to discover your worl...
Asteroids AR is an amazingly simple but fun arcade sci-fi shooter that lets you open a wormhole right in your living room using latest augmented reali...
*This app only works with the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS 2014 book.* Please, before any kind of feedback, read troubleshooting at the end of this App Desc...
~「中日AR」で新聞が動き出す!!!~ 「中日AR」は中日新聞や中日スポーツなどの紙面をはじめ、対象物などにスマートフォンをかざすことで動画などのリッチな情報体験を可能にするアプリです。例えばアプリを起動させた状態で中日新聞に掲載された対象画像にかざしてシャッターボタンを押すと、まるで新聞が動き出し...
Australian Resources & Investment is a quarterly magazine targeted at investors and mining executives. Regular columnists include former managing edit...
スマートフォンならではと言えるARアプリです。AR(Augmented Reality:拡張現実)とは、現実環境にカメラなどを通して情報を付加するもののことで、風景にタグ付けして説明文を表示する位置情報型や、マーカーと呼ばれる画像を読み込んで3Dの物体を表示するマーカー型があります。 このプログラム...
欢迎使用专为驾驶 Parrot AR.Drone 而开发的首个官方应用程序。 AR.Drone 是史上第一个可用 Android 智能电话/平板电脑操控的四旋翼飞行器。 直观控制 使用直观的控制界面平稳流畅地控制 AR.Drone 在空中的移动,尽享引人入胜的飞行乐趣!独一无二的自动化嵌入式稳定系统...