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E点生活整装待发,争做生活中的哆啦A梦! 摇一摇手机,摇出IPad,摇出更多惊喜; 电影票不限时段5折,只需一点便可轻松订位,再不用排队,享受尊贵 手机话费、游戏点卡,大尺度优惠只为满足您最基本的需求 团购商品,贫民般的价格让您拥有皇帝般的服务 请记住,我们只是想帮您解决生活中遇到的小问题! 新增功...
Survival HandbookIf you are looking for survival manual to use for getting away from it all when dooms day comes or just looking to up your outdoor sk...
The ultimate guide to fending for yourself in an urban environment from the team that brought you the million-copy selling SAS Survival Guide.Written ...
*养一条聪明的小狗陪伴你!陪伴您的时间越来越长,小狗会越来越聪明,越来越懂你!当你工作忙碌时,小狗会提醒你该吃饭了,注意休息。当您好久没有运动时,小狗会提醒您该锻炼一下了,好久没有参加好友同学聚会了,小狗会提醒您该会会朋友了……. *新颖的喂养方式: 拍张照片、录段录音,写几句话也许可以让您的小狗美...
SAS Survival Lite is the FREE version of the complete SAS Survival Guide, available now in the app store. Based on the million-copy bestselling book, ...
For over twenty years, the SAS Survival Guide has been the definitive guide to surviving any situation, anywhere in the world. Now, for the first time...
Disaster Survival Guide App - With the various forms of natural disasters which have taken place recently, many people have begun to realize that they...
U.S. Army Field Manuals are published by the United States Army's Army Publishing Directorate. As of 27 July 2007, some 542 field manuals were in ...
The U.S. Army Survival Manual 21-76 . Over 230 pages of pure survival knowledge. This is a must have for anyone to keep on their phone or tablet, you ...
The Galaxy S 5 is Samsung's fifth generation Galaxy S. The Galaxy S5 introduced several new features, such as the fingerprint scanner, a redesigne...