【产品介绍】 您的通话录音有法律效力吗?没有法律效力的通话录音,不仅仅是浪费时间,还耽误事!!! 移动公证是中国最大的电子证据服务平台,由国家公证机构领衔,中国电信、支付宝、财付通等多方参与,提供手机录音、拍照、录像、云端存储、法律咨询、司法公证一体化的证据服务。 保存证据,保存有法律效力的证据! ...
【产品介绍】 您的通话录音有法律效力吗?没有法律效力的通话录音,不仅仅是浪费时间,还耽误事!!! 移动公证是中国最大的电子证据服务平台,由国家公证机构领衔,中国电信、支付宝、财付通等多方参与,提供手机录音、拍照、录像、云端存储、法律咨询、司法公证一体化的证据服务。 保存证据,保存有法律效力的证据! ...
【产品介绍】 您的通话录音有法律效力吗?没有法律效力的录音是颗定时炸弹,不仅仅浪费时间,关键时刻肯定误事! 移动公证由国家公证机构领衔,中国电信、支付宝、财付通等多方参与,为您保留每一个重要的通话时刻!同时提供云端存储、现场录音、法律咨询、司法公证等服务,是唯一有法律效力的通话录音软件! 保存录音,...
歡迎個性化應用在Android Market上最容易使用的鈴聲。只需按您所選擇的前45個最流行的搞笑歌曲之一。然後,按“播放”按鈕來預覽您的滑稽歌曲選擇。按下紅色的“X”回到有趣的歌曲鈴聲選擇,或按綠色的复選標記:*設置有趣的歌曲到您的默認鈴聲*您的通知聲音設置有趣的歌曲*設置首有趣的歌給你報警*設...
A tongue-twister is a phrase that is designed to be difficult to articulate properly. So enjoy this collection of over 400 tongue-twistersFeatures****...
ABOUT APP : This App contains Relaxing music played on Flute with different nature sounds in background. It gives you near to nature feel.KEY FEATURES...
Take a tour of the latest OS X, Mountain Lion, in a series of guided lessons with award-winning Class on Demand expert, Tom Wolsky. These lessons focu...
Unless you've been sleeping for the last couple of years, you know that Mobile is H-O-T! And the most popular mobile platform in the world? That...
Shoot amazing photos and video with your Canon EOS T1i.With Android Camera Guides from QuickPro, you'll never have to miss the shot of your life a...
Want to take photos like a pro with your Nikon D3000? The answer will now be on your Android phone or tablet.With Android Camera Guides from QuickPro,...
Digital Photography Training by QuickProGain an in depth understanding of digital photography, and what you can do to alter the outcome of your photog...