清官,是指那些公正廉洁、克己奉公、惠及百姓的官员,也被人们称之为“廉吏”。 在历朝历代,都有一大批著名的清官廉吏。如先秦时期的晏婴、乐喜,汉晋时期的召信臣、杜诗、吴隐之,隋唐时期的姚崇、宋?、柳宗元,宋元明清时期的包拯、范仲淹、海瑞、于谦、张伯行等等。这些人“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”,“粉身...
清官,是指那些公正廉洁、克己奉公、惠及百姓的官员,也被人们称之为“廉吏”。 在历朝历代,都有一大批著名的清官廉吏。如先秦时期的晏婴、乐喜,汉晋时期的召信臣、杜诗、吴隐之,隋唐时期的姚崇、宋?、柳宗元,宋元明清时期的包拯、范仲淹、海瑞、于谦、张伯行等等。这些人“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”,“粉身...
This is Lewis's "An Elementary Latin Dictionary (1890)", an abridgment of his larger "A Latin Dictionary for Schools (1888)" which in turn was an ...
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The UNISA Results application allows you to check your UNISA (University of South Africa) examination results via the open-ended web link.If you allow...
Ders kitabı cevapları, çalışma kitabı cevapları artık google play'de. Mobil kullanıcılar için tamamen ücretsiz ve hızlı.Ders kitabı cevapları uygu...
A clever approach for learning, using recognition of shapes and sounds. Also with the Educational and Echoic Memory Games not only you will learn as y...
The industry’s first radio station app that allows users to listen to their favorite Punjabi radio stations without using a data plan by using your de...
The Radio Chardi Kala call-to-listen app gives you access to unique programming without using your data plan. It will only use your voice minutes and ...
Rekenen-tafels (vermenigvuldigen) is een educatieve app die ontwikkeld voor kinderen is om de tafels van 1 tot en met 10 te kunnen oefenen en leren. D...