

加一,加一种生活,让宅男宅女们发现更鲜活的社交生活。应用设计为大学生陌生人社交。 陌生人社交,不像熟人社交那般有既定的信用机制,用户抱着猎奇心理进入,却往往发现遇到的人鱼龙混杂,在缺乏信任机制的平台上,用户很难鉴别哪些是肆无忌惮的狩猎者,哪些是遵循现代商业规则的文明人。加一,加一种生活,以大学生用户...


Get inspired !! Energize your mind with this large collection of very motivating and inspiring quotes !免費玩Inspirational_Quotes APP玩免費免費玩Inspirational_...

Veer 2

Veer 2 is here and it's better than ever!The game is simple. You're presented with a card and on that card is an arrow - swipe that direction to clear...


A refreshing and reinvigorating list of annotated quotes from the Holy Quran. Each quote is accompanied by a background image. A very soothing and inf...

Dumbs Flu

After Bird Flu and Swine Flu A(H1N1), Now there is a spread of a new kind of flu virus. It infects only the idiots. They call it the Dumbs Flu. It was...