

* 사서삼경 (四書三經) 중 맹자(孟子)* 원문(독음/해설/현토)* 梁惠王上--- 何必曰利--- 與民偕樂--- 王無罪歲--- 以刃與政--- 可使制--- 不嗜殺人--- 齊桓晉文 * 梁惠王下--- 莊暴見孟子--- 文王之囿--- 寡人好勇--- 樂以天下--- 好貨好色--- 王...


经史子集 之 经部孟子(约前372-前289),名轲,字子舆,战国中期邹国(今山东邹县东南人),离孔子的故乡曲阜不远。孟子是著名的思想家、政治家、教育家,孔子学说的继承者。《孟子》是记载孟子及其学生言行的一部书。和孔子一样,孟子也曾带领学生游历魏、齐、宋、鲁、滕、薛等国,并一度担任过齐宣王的客卿。由...

War Tanks

Yobibyte Games is proud to bring you War Tanks, the latest in the artillery genre. War Tanks is an arcade shooting game in which you operate a tank to...


Beat your iPhone or iPod touch! ….play with a friend or be just on your own. Boosting your brain's memory while playing!The only memo where you can co...


MemoJong, when Memory and Mahjong meet. Swipe to make pairs before it's too late! Share your score and beat your friends.免費玩MemoJong APP玩免費免費玩MemoJong...