LMS Login
VIKTIG: Dette er IKKE en offisiell app!LMS Login lar deg bruke It's Learning sine nettside raskere og lettere!Det eneste du trenger å gjøre, er å ...
VIKTIG: Dette er IKKE en offisiell app!LMS Login lar deg bruke It's Learning sine nettside raskere og lettere!Det eneste du trenger å gjøre, er å ...
Log in to Chamilo fast and easyAbout: Chamilo is an open-source (under GNU/GPL licensing) e-learning and content management system, aimed at improving...
NTTドコモの公衆無線LANサービスdocomo Wi-Fi(旧Mzone)へログインするためのアプリです。アクセスポイントに接続後にこのアプリを起動することによりログインすることができます。ホーム画面にショートカットを作成すると便利です。接続中のAP情報や信号強度の表示も可能です。現在のところ、ウ...
An app to automagically make login on USPnet network.Save your login information on the app, so the next time you enter on an USPnet network the app s...
Questa è una semplice applicazione utile per fare il login in automatico all'interno della rete wifi unitn dell'Università degli Studi di Tren...
If you are a student of a martial art school and this school uses DojoExpert software for school management you can use MyDojo to login at your accoun...
Celebrate The Alcoholidays with Yule Login, the only app in the market with Double Fistin' - Gettin' Blitzen action. Spin the log and toast wi...
Die session App ist der mobile Store für deine musikalische Rundumversorgung.Kaufe Instrumente, Zubehör, Noten, usw., speichere deine Highlights imper...
在一個地方所有的最好的Android應用程序運行遊戲 - 你能要求什麼呢?Play Running Games . Run for your life if you are beeing chased or run for a contest like the olympics if you are...
在一個地方所有的最好的Android應用程序島遊戲 - 你能要求什麼呢?Island online game lets you build your own tourist resort and compete with your friends. Create your own island pa...