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Rat’n’Band is a puzzle adventure game with great old-school graphics and addictive gameplay. Point and click controls and automatic path highlighting ...
DialAway is a Phone Key search app to easily search contacts and call them.The app enables you to search your contact name (both First and Last) and p...
Ready, aim, cut the link! Relieve your frustrations by strategically cutting loose wrecking balls to knock over the bosses.Don’t think it’s that easy ...
The villain Jacques has stolen the Treasures of the Ages so he can harness their mystical powers in his evil plan to rule the world. You must help Wil...
You are a dwarf who loves to collect sparkling stones! With your innovative claw machine, you are able to explore deep caves and find vast amounts of ...
YeeeeeHaaaawww! Round 'em up and reel in the riches! Download today and bet the farm! Use the autospin feature to win fast and win big!_______________...