三五分钟空闲不知道可以干什么,打开「一刻」吧!餐厅等上菜,出门坐公交,上班偷个懒,睡觉前,马桶上,所有这些闲暇时间在一刻的陪伴下将变得丰富多彩。 一刻是豆瓣推出的优质内容精选应用,每天为你推荐豆瓣上最新最有趣的文字和图片:精彩文章,热门话题,犀利评论,搞笑图片??统统一网打尽。精选内容短小精炼,让你...
三五分钟空闲不知道可以干什么,打开「一刻」吧!餐厅等上菜,出门坐公交,上班偷个懒,睡觉前,马桶上,所有这些闲暇时间在一刻的陪伴下将变得丰富多彩。 一刻是豆瓣推出的优质内容精选应用,每天为你推荐豆瓣上最新最有趣的文字和图片:精彩文章,热门话题,犀利评论,搞笑图……统统一网打尽。 精选内容短小精炼,让你...
这是一款你正在四处寻找、拥有众多特色的奇妙3D保龄球游戏。 这是保龄球的天堂,任何人都能玩并乐在其中。 新闻引用 “提供多种自定义方式,带给玩家禅宗般的超棒3D保龄球体验”- CrazyMikesapps “保龄球天堂充斥着受不同水平玩家青睐的休闲游戏精华” - AppstoreArcade 有8个...
[-Description-]Do not touch the screen,You shoot the camera with proximity sensor.-Proximity sensor shootingSince non-contact, you can easily shoot im...
Must-have app for all police officers and detectives.Woman version with 900+ face elements.Have you ever wanted to be a police sketch artist? Well, no...
FlashClock is a clock with an integratated Light. Touching the display will starting the light. Another touch on the display stops the lightFunctions:...
Nostalgia Ti Frega is a photographic exploration of memory, identity, and place. The app focuses on the community of a Sicilian village destroyed by a...
We love technology but we miss the good old days.What about those photos, those photos were we used to believe in romance, in the old good days, in th...
FlashEm - the application that allows you to create your own flashcards. Organize your flashcards by subject and by topic (deck) within subject. Use t...