simple sms encryption|通訊線上App不用買


【免費通訊App】simple sms encryption-APP點子

Do you often let your mobile phone be unattended and do you want to avoid other people reading your text messages?

Or do you simply attach importance to your privacy?

In this case, simple sms encryption is a 'must have' to you!

Simple sms encryption allows you to encrypt text messages and send it via sms, e-mail or other applications in a fast and simple way.

Also that simple, you can decrypt received messages.

The most cryptographic techniques are using binary encryption and the encrypted text is much longer than the original one. So it has to be sent in several sms, which causes additional costs needlessly.

But not if you are using simple sms encryption!

- no circular login

- no long navigation through menus

- fast and simple handling

【免費通訊App】simple sms encryption-APP點子

- secure encryption

- full cost control

All that provides simple sms encryption!

Just write, encrypt, FINISHED.

Just a simple sms encryption.

Also the app doesn't send messages automatically. So you can be sure that it will never send messages with costs without your help! You got the full control!

Simple sms encryption does not save any kind of personal or other data!

【免費通訊App】simple sms encryption-APP點子

Read more Informations on the apps help-menu.

--- simple sms encryption uses Vigenère cipher ---

【免費通訊App】simple sms encryption-APP點子

免費玩simple sms encryption APP玩免費

免費玩simple sms encryption App

simple sms encryption APP LOGO

simple sms encryption LOGO-APP點子

simple sms encryption APP QRCode

simple sms encryption QRCode-APP點子
Google Play