


Successfully Build a Daily Habit!

Here's how it works:


1. Enter the habit you want to build.

2. Each day you do it, go to the app and click the checkbox to record your success!

The app will count the number of consecutive days you do the habit, and you ONLY succeed if you do the habit for 21 consecutive days. No Exceptions. This design decision was made to ensure that the habit is built and stays built.

This application contains the process to build a habit. Repeat the process as many times as habits that you want to build. Too many people try to build many habits together, and end up kind of building some habits, but not really building any. As a result, when they try to build their next habits, they lose their old ones. It is better to pick one habit, build it for life, and then add onto your list of habits you've built for life. That is the philosophy behind this app.

To understand more about habits and how you can improve your life with them, read:

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