"Guess Where" is a new and exciting way to enjoy your and your friends’ photos!Choose from your Facebook friends who you wish to follow, guess where t...
Express yourself freely with your friends, without worrying about being judged or about potential consequences.Skywall is a place of liberty, where yo...
Источник мудрости – опыт.Источник опыта – Глупость….Не стоит совершать глупости, чтобы стать мудрым. Нужно только установить приложение “Академия мудр...
Shree GiribapuShree Mukesh Giribapu has been popularly addressed by their devotees as Shree Giribapu. His holiness Shree Giribapu was originally from ...
== SMC App ==SMC App is a mobile application developed by Surat Municipal Corporation. It enables the service delivery and information sharing using t...