iRadar USA: Offline Speed Traps and Cameras|交通運輸線上App不用買


【免費交通運輸App】iRadar USA: Offline Speed Traps and Cameras-APP點子

This App doesn't require an internet connection when on List Mode !*********************************************************************************For bug reports, please send e-mail to*********************************************************************************Get instant access to over 20.000 speed traps, red light cameras and police locations all over US.IRadar will show you all nearby traps locations and alert you when you are within a certain distance of each trap.View Types:List, Map and Battery Saver.Main features:- Get a sound alert and/or vibration when aproaching a Speed Trap;- Add new speed traps to iRadar database;- Download new speed traps saved by other users;- Set up the trap search radious for better performance;- Set up the trap alert distance;- Configure which type of trap you want to search for (Speed Traps: fixed, Speed Traps:Mobile, Red Light Cameras, etc)- Disable iPhone auto-lock;- Use it in landscape mode;View mode: List- See all nearby traps in a scroll table list so you won't have to use your interet connection. This is very usefull to use when you're in an area where your Network connection signal is weak.View mode: Map- Visualize your location and the traps in the iPhone Native Map.- Switch between Map, Hybrid and Satellite views.View Mode: Battery Saver- Black screen with the nearest trap for better performance and battery life.

【免費交通運輸App】iRadar USA: Offline Speed Traps and Cameras-APP點子

【免費交通運輸App】iRadar USA: Offline Speed Traps and Cameras-APP點子

【免費交通運輸App】iRadar USA: Offline Speed Traps and Cameras-APP點子

【免費交通運輸App】iRadar USA: Offline Speed Traps and Cameras-APP點子

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iRadar USA: Offline Speed Traps and Cameras APP LOGO

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iRadar USA: Offline Speed Traps and Cameras APP QRCode

iRadar USA: Offline Speed Traps and Cameras QRCode-APP點子
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美國 (U.S.A)iOS
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