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Stop smoking todayThe cost of a hypnotherapy download is minimal compared with the cost of continuing to smoke...and we're not talking about the real costs here.  And the benefits of quitting are almost immediate - few days after stopping, the nicotine is out of your system - and if that were all there was to stopping, that would be fine because most smokers agree with Mark Twain that stopping smoking is not the problem, '...it's  easy,' he said, 'I've done it thousands of times.'No, the problem is not to stop smoking but to stay stopped! ...and how do you do that? - only by really dealing with the underlying psychological problem of cigarette and nicotine addiction. This is the difficult part because you may not even have a bad view of cigarettes at all, maybe regarding them as allies or friends - something to turn to in times of reflection and stress.Hypnotherapy tackles these attitudes to smoking by dealing with both the positive gains from stopping smoking and the deep seated negative roots that cause you to continue to smoke... and here, dealing with the negative roots of smoking is most important because if you don't do this effectively, you soon come to the view that you've been deprived of something and from there it's just a matter of time before you go back to smoking again.Hypnotherapy (hypnosis) is probably the best way to prevent these relapses because it deals with both the emotional and psychological aspects of stopping smoking, both negative and positive and also with the latent and persistent belief that in stopping smoking you have lost something. This is the core of the problem of giving up - an unconscious deep seated conviction that if not eradicated by hypnotherapy, makes a return to smoking inevitable. Hypnotherapy prevents such a relapse by removing these deep rooted and underlying causes and so makes a return to smoking a complete irrelevance.And the negative aspects of smoking do not need emphasis here, they are too well documented to require repetition - mostly questions of health and longevity. The positive sides are much more appealing and fruitful to pursue - so it is those that hypnotherapy tends to emphasize; the recovery of good health and fitness, a new freedom and renewed energy to do new things previously considered out of reach or even already foreclosed.So it is worth going through this sequence of cause and effect, the immediate changes that follow the final cessation of smoking.It may be hard to believe but in the first 24 hours after stopping, your blood pressure, pulse rate and oxygen levels return to normal and by the end of that day, carbon monoxide will have completely disappeared from the body and your lungs will be clear of mucus and other smoking debris.Two days later, food will taste as it used to - and after three, you breathing will be coming back to normal. Energy levels will correspondingly rise as your bronchial tubes begin to relax. Your blood circulation also begins to improve and as you lung functions improve, there will be a significant reduction in coughing and wheezing.Long term; after a year, the risk of heart failure is reduced by half and in ten, that of lung cancer by the same amount.  Fifteen years further on and the chances of heart failure will be the same as if you had never ever smoked.In the first month after stopping smoking, you will also have to cope with early withdrawal symptoms such as irritability and aggression, depression and restlessness.  Withdrawal symptoms are common to stopping any drug use - and, as with smoking, will also be purely temporary. The one particular downside expected will be an increase in weight - an average of six to eight pounds. This can be dealt with by a modest dieting regime.

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