happenin - live photo sharing|社交線上App不用買


【免費社交App】happenin - live photo sharing-APP點子

Happenin is a realtime photo sharing media. The easiest way to think of happenin is "twitter for photos".

See what’s live on Channels right now. Whether it is your own neighborhood or some island on the pacific, or people’s dinner table or someone else’s dirty laundry, you can watch what’s happening at this moment anywhere in the world.

Join the buzz and start creating your own live photo stream!

You can use happenin however you like, but here are some of our favorites:

- Use channels to find bars, clubs, and any fun places that are happening tonight.

【免費社交App】happenin - live photo sharing-APP點子

- Play a live documentary of your trip as you travel around.

【免費社交App】happenin - live photo sharing-APP點子

- Meet people. Find out who else is on Happenin near you or have same interests as you.


【免費社交App】happenin - live photo sharing-APP點子

* Post photos that's just been taken
* Post Comments
* View location information 
* View photo map
* Create Channel
* Choose to share photos with just friends or all users
* Bookmark posts and Channels
* Browse map
* View the 100 most popular posts on Trends
* Broadcast posts on channels to share them with friends

【免費社交App】happenin - live photo sharing-APP點子

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happenin - live photo sharing APP LOGO

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happenin - live photo sharing APP QRCode

happenin - live photo sharing QRCode-APP點子
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