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The focus-AF Limited calculator is an interactive resource that assists healthcare professionals to quickly assess the risk of stroke and bleeding in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). A calculator for measuring creatinine clearance to assess renal function is also included.

The calculator helps to stratify patients according to stroke risk and bleeding risk, based on the presence of various risk factors. Stroke risk can be determined using either the CHADS2 score or the CHA2DS2-VASc score – an extension of the CHADS2 scoring system incorporating additional risk factors – while the HAS-BLED score is used to assess bleeding risk.* Creatinine clearance can also be calculated (according to the Cockroft-Gault equation) to measure a patient’s renal function, which is often reduced in the elderly and requires dose adjustment of some drugs that are cleared by the kidneys.

A review of international guidelines for antithrombotic therapy in AF, which are based around stroke risk, is also included, along with directions to further reading in the form of supporting literature.

focus-AF Limited is an independent company owned and governed by internationally renowned clinical experts in AF. The mission of focus-AF Limited is to improve AF patient care. is a central repository for high-quality educational materials, supporting the mission of focus-AF Limited. is committed to educating healthcare professionals to support patients with AF. Through educational activities, practical management and implementation tools, the goal of is to achieve specific objectives, including to:

• Enhance the understanding of AF and the burden of stroke in this patient population

【免費醫療App】focus-AF calculator-APP點子

• Highlight the importance of effective management of patients with AF, particularly stroke prevention

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• Assess potential strategies to address unmet clinical needs in AF

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• Convey the scientific rationale behind potential new treatments and their practical implications for patient care.

The guarantors of focus-AF Limited are responsible for maintaining the scientific content, objectivity, and relevance of The site is supported by Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH, the founding sponsor.

* Gage BF et al. JAMA 2001;285:2864–70; Lip GYH et al. Chest 2010;137:263–72; Pisters R et al. Chest 2010;138:1093–100

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