daylies- Daily Reports For Contractors and Professionals|商業線上App不用買


【免費商業App】daylies- Daily Reports For Contractors and Professionals-APP點子

daylies is an App that allows a general contractor or a contractor that hires subcontractors as well as other professionals such as architects, engineers. inspectors, or any other profession where simple daily reports are required to track the activities of the day.  In addition to recording progress made by each subcontractor -- daylies also allows you to record inspections, deliveries, and the day's weather with the option to add a photo of progress made.The free version of daylies includes the following features:1- Stores information for one project.2- Record the weather -- temperature can be saved in either fahrenheit or celsius. daylies for iPad includes the option of accessing the weather from NOAA by zip code or access Canadian weather using Postal Codes.3- Input progress made for up to two subcontractors per report. 4- Record up to two inspections and up to two deliveries per report. 5- Includes space for general notes about the day.6- Include one progress photo per report.7- Restore last report created.The upgrade within the App unlocks access to the additional features:1- Stores information for unlimited projects.2- Input progress made for up to eight subcontractors per report.3- Include four progress photos per report.4- Restore and amend past reports (current projects only).5- Eliminate advertisements. (iPad version)Changes made in version 3.04 include the ability to modify the titles for the "Subcontractor" and "Progress Made" fields which allows you to create custom reports.daylies can now be used by a wider range of professionals such as architects, engineers. inspectors, or any other profession where simple daily reports are required.daylies creates a PDF that you can e-mail, export to other applications that can view PDF documents, as well as availability for download directly to your computer through iTunes.Completing your daily report quickly with all the pertinent information in one convenient place will bring a little less stress to the end of your workday.Quick Start Guide-Step 1- Input your information into the User Settings.Step 2- Go to Manage Projects to create your first project.Step 3- Press the oval button with the projects name you want to create a report for on the home screen to get started.Step 4- Go through the Weather, Subcontractor, Inspect/Deliv/Notes, and Photos tabs to input your report information.Step 5- Press the Create Report button to save, view, and export the report you just created.Other tips:1- Use the Restore/Edit Reports button to edit an existing report(full version only). After you select the report you want to edit the reports fields will contain all of the original information. Change what you need to and then press the Create Report button to replace the original report. The Restore Last Report button is part of the free and paid versions of daylies.2- Touch the button next to the Report Date on the home screen to change the date of the report you want to create. This is useful if you need to create a report that was missed.3- To view the PDF versions and export reports press the Saved Report button on the home screen4- Changing between screens/tabs does not delete the information you input/Try the free version of daylies and see how easy it is to use!   Upgrade within the app to the full version to get all the features this easy-to-use App has to offer.***** If you are using an original iPad with no camera you will still be able to import photos from your library to your daily reports.***** An internet connection is required to use the 'Get Weather' feature and to e-mail your reports.***** PDF's cannot be edited once they are created, for people using the Full Version a saved PDF can be overwritten if changes are required. All reports created prior to version 2.01 can not be amended.

【免費商業App】daylies- Daily Reports For Contractors and Professionals-APP點子

【免費商業App】daylies- Daily Reports For Contractors and Professionals-APP點子

【免費商業App】daylies- Daily Reports For Contractors and Professionals-APP點子

【免費商業App】daylies- Daily Reports For Contractors and Professionals-APP點子

【免費商業App】daylies- Daily Reports For Contractors and Professionals-APP點子

【免費商業App】daylies- Daily Reports For Contractors and Professionals-APP點子

【免費商業App】daylies- Daily Reports For Contractors and Professionals-APP點子

【免費商業App】daylies- Daily Reports For Contractors and Professionals-APP點子

【免費商業App】daylies- Daily Reports For Contractors and Professionals-APP點子

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