My Pills - Reminder will never let you forget to take your medication!Insert as many medications you want, any adicional information you may think is ...
Vet CardiologyMore than 60 cardiac diseases and conditions in small animal veterinary ( dogs and cats).Congenital:Atrial Septal DefectDouble Aortic Ar...
Veterinary Calculators is an application for IPhone, IPod touch and IPad with more than 10 different kinds of calculators used in small animal veterin...
REAL-LIFE CLINICAL CASES FOR THE BASIC SCIENCES AND USMLE STEP 1Experience with clinical cases is key to excelling on the USMLE Step 1 and shelf exams...
Ovarian Cancer: In this study: Ovarian Cancer are being shown, each and every one of its parts, functions, activities, types, textures, 3D views and s...
Skadebogen: Ortopædkirurgiske skader 11. udgave. Af Overlæge Dr. Med. Bengt Lund og Speciallæge Svend-Erik Heiselberg.Vurdering og behandling af de al...