aBlackList Lite|工具線上App不用買


【免費工具App】aBlackList Lite-APP點子

aBlackList BlackList provides a simple interface but completely configurable.

It should be noted that the priority to overlapping rules is as follows:

Private - Contacts - Whitelist - Blacklist - Unknown

The main features are:

- Blocking whitelist, blacklist, unknown, private, etc.. With multiple operating modes Normal with profiles and scheduler (based on days and times).

- Blocking of messages and incoming calls and outgoing calls (outgoing message could be configured to monitor, but not cancel)

- Ability to save or not the call log or messages canceled by whitelist

- Possibility of permanent notification icon locks on.

【免費工具App】aBlackList Lite-APP點子

- Possibility of notification icon to cancel a call or message

- Possibility to send sms automatically answer a call blocking

- Password input to the application and so fake with wrong password

- Possibility to create groups of contacts to group blocking rules

One must also consider that when selecting locking reply message, your operator may charge additional fees.

Application is currently in beta, please contact me with any problem. Should I expect to like the application consider downloading the full version of aBlackList.

If you need any clarification on the application or wish to report a bug, you can do: itaravika (at) gmail

- Restrictions on the lite version

- Only allow 2 groups, 3 rules blacklist, whitelist rules 3, 2 ​​sections and two schedules schedules

【免費工具App】aBlackList Lite-APP點子

- Password is not allowed, only allowed one sms reply

【免費工具App】aBlackList Lite-APP點子

免費玩aBlackList Lite APP玩免費

免費玩aBlackList Lite App

aBlackList Lite APP LOGO

aBlackList Lite LOGO-APP點子

aBlackList Lite APP QRCode

aBlackList Lite QRCode-APP點子
Google Play