ZatStats Demo-Volleyball Stats|運動線上App不用買


【免費運動App】ZatStats Demo-Volleyball Stats-APP點子

*** NOTE ***


*** NOTE ***

ZatStats Demo version does not have all the features. Please download ZatStats app.

ZatStats app is designed to take stats during the flow of a volleyball game in real-time. It has 2 parts. A normal tally sheet for recording attempts for attack, serve, set, and dig. The tally sheet also allows serve receive ratings 0 to 3. The second part is an end-of-rally point-by-point stat tracker. This is where you can track positive plays: kills, assists, aces, block solo & block assist, and negative plays: attack errors, service errors, receive errors, blocking errors, and ball handling errors (BHE).

ZatStats has been designed to a 2 clipboard method where you would track only the play that ended a rally (end-of-rally) on your clipboard and use another clipboard to accumulate the number of attacks, digs, serves, sets and serve receive pass ratings. It can be used with 2 tablets or 1 tablet and 1 clipboard. One part of the app takes end-of-rally (point-by-point) stats and the other part takes the tally stats during the flow of the game.

You can upload/backup stats and can receive the stats via email in a csv format.

【免費運動App】ZatStats Demo-Volleyball Stats-APP點子

【免費運動App】ZatStats Demo-Volleyball Stats-APP點子

【免費運動App】ZatStats Demo-Volleyball Stats-APP點子

【免費運動App】ZatStats Demo-Volleyball Stats-APP點子

【免費運動App】ZatStats Demo-Volleyball Stats-APP點子

【免費運動App】ZatStats Demo-Volleyball Stats-APP點子

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ZatStats Demo-Volleyball Stats APP LOGO

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ZatStats Demo-Volleyball Stats APP QRCode

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