321 - The sneaky app with a name that will not look suspicious on your phone! When you send someone a text message, you can hide another completely in...
Jerk - noun, 1. Someone that you follow on Twitter that does not follow you. (loser) Mutual - noun, 1. Someone that you follow on Twitter that also fo...
Fun, stress-free way to CHOOSE by POLLING groups of interest. GET CONSENSUS FROM ANY GROUP OF PEOPLE QUICKLY! Take paralyzing anxiety out of limitless...
Alert Neighbors enables you to quickly send a text message to a preselected group of neighbors in the event of a break-in, fire, or health emergency.免...
Pickr is the best social iPhone app which allows you to get instant opinions of others about fashion, hair, makeup, sports, travel, music, technology ...
Look - the newest social network for sharing cool things with friends and family.What's a social network?A competition for the most likes/followers?Po...