Xposed Gesture Navigation|個人化線上App不用買


【免費個人化App】Xposed Gesture Navigation-APP點子

Control the android navigation with the multitouch gestures,this app will work on top of any applications and you can completely get rid of using soft keys or hardware keys.You can navigate to any app with out going to app drawer and save lot of time and you can do the multi-tasking very effectively with the simple gestures.


★Android 4.0+ and ROOT

★It Requires Xposed Framework

★Please disable or stop the similar apps in order to work properly.



★Swipe two finger left to right gesture

★Swipe two finger right to left gesture

【免費個人化App】Xposed Gesture Navigation-APP點子

★Swipe two finger top to bottom gesture

★Swipe two finger bottom to top gesture

★Swipe three finger left to right gesture

★Swipe three finger right to left gesture

★Swipe three finger top to bottom gesture

★Swipe three finger bottom to top gesture

★Three finger pinch in and pinch out gesture

★Swipe four finger left to right gesture

【免費個人化App】Xposed Gesture Navigation-APP點子

★Swipe four finger right to left gesture

★Swipe four finger top to bottom gesture

★Swipe four finger bottom to top gesture

★Four finger pinch in and pinch out gesture

★Swipe Five finger left to right gesture

★Swipe Five finger right to left gesture

★Swipe Five finger top to bottom gesture

【免費個人化App】Xposed Gesture Navigation-APP點子

★Swipe Five finger bottom to top gesture

★Five finger pinch in and pinch out gesture

★Two finger touch gesture

★Three finger touch gesture

★Four finger touch gesture

★Five finger touch gesture

★Swipe left to right gesture in the lock-screen glow-pad

★Swipe right to left gesture in the lock-screen glow-pad

【免費個人化App】Xposed Gesture Navigation-APP點子

★Swipe top to bottom gesture in the lock-screen glow-pad

★Swipe bottom to top gesture in the lock-screen glow-pad

★Added left edge gestures

★Added right edge gestures

★Added top edge gestures

★Added bottom edge gestures

★ Added status-bar gestures

★ Added Notification panel gestures

【免費個人化App】Xposed Gesture Navigation-APP點子

★ Added navigation bar gestures

★ Added hold gestures(left,right,bottom,top swipe)

★ Added hold gestures(left,right,bottom,top single tap)

★ Added hold gestures(left,right,bottom,top double tap)

★ Added backup and restore settings option

Actions you can do with this gestures

★Open any application

★Navigate to Home,Back,Recent-apps and menu

★Lock the screen

【免費個人化App】Xposed Gesture Navigation-APP點子

★Control the music player

★Take screenshot

★Switch on/off Torch

★Run any tasker task from this app

★Change to different sound modes

★Go to previous app

【免費個人化App】Xposed Gesture Navigation-APP點子

★Open power menu

★Toggle WiFi and Bluetooth

★Expand notifications and quick-settings

★Kill app

★Kill all app

★Volume up/down

【免費個人化App】Xposed Gesture Navigation-APP點子

★Scroll to top or bottom of the Browser

★Toggle mobile data

★action for next app and previous app

★Added new action to trigger brightness

Install Instructions

★Install Xposed Installer

★Install Xposed Framework (from the Xposed Installer app)

【免費個人化App】Xposed Gesture Navigation-APP點子

★Install Gesture Navigation

★Activate the module in Xposed Installer app

★Configure the application as you like

★Soft reboot the phone to see the changes

If you find any bugs or issues, Pls don't give me the bad rating here, please email me

I will support u ASAP...


I take no responsibility for any fault or damage caused by any procedures of the app. No warranties of any kind are given.

【免費個人化App】Xposed Gesture Navigation-APP點子

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Xposed Gesture Navigation APP LOGO

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Xposed Gesture Navigation APP QRCode

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台灣 TaiwanAndroid
Google Play