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Wroxham Barns is the ‘must visit’ for families in Norfolk. Whether you want a relaxing day with friends, a fun time with the family or a chance to indulge in retail therapy, you will find it here.

Come and see our crafts people and chat to them while they work, or browse through our shops which offer everything from unique gifts and stylish clothes to fun toys and delicious foods, before taking a break for refreshment in our restaurant.

Junior Farm with the New Piggery and Piggy’s Play-Sty, The Children’s Funfair and the Championship Mini-Adventure Golf Course will keep our younger visitors entertained.

Open every day 10am to 5pm, except December 25th, 26th and January 1st.

FREE parking and admission to Wroxham Barns, admission charge to Junior Farm.

【免費旅遊App】Wroxham Barns-APP點子

【免費旅遊App】Wroxham Barns-APP點子

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