World's Greatest Sci-Fi|書籍線上App不用買


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If you've always dreamed of owning a library of the world's greatest

science fiction, now is your chance. "The World's Greatest Sci-Fi Volume

One" contains such hard-to-find gems as: "The House on the Borderland,"

"Ralph 124C 41" and "Star Maker".

Included are:

【免費書籍App】World's Greatest Sci-Fi-APP點子

* After London by Richard Jefferies

【免費書籍App】World's Greatest Sci-Fi-APP點子

* Beyond Lies the Wub by Philip K. Dick

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* The Colors of Space by Marion Zimmer Bradley

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* The Crystal Crypt by Philip K. Dick

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* The Door Through Space by Marion Zimmer Bradley

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* Flatland by Edwin A. Abbott

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* The Hour Of The Dragon by Robert E. Howard

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* The House on the Borderland by William Hope Hodgson

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* Metropolis by Thea von Harbou

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* The Moon Pool by A. Merritt

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* The Next Logical Step by Ben Bova

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* Pellucidar by Edgar Rice Burroughs

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* Printcrime by Cory Doctorow

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* Ralph 124C 41 by Hugo Gernsback

* The Repairman by Harry Harrison

* Shadows in Zamboula by Robert E. Howard

* Star Maker by Olaf Stapledon

* Tom Swift And His Submarine Boat by Victor Appleton

* The Aliens by Murray Leinster

* The Flames by Olaf Stapledon

* This Crowded Earth by Robert Bloch

* The Time Machine by H.G. Wells

* The Tower of the Elephant by Robert E. Howard

* Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne

* The War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells

A fantastic ebook collection for all science fiction fans!

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