World Travel Phrases|旅遊線上App不用買


【免費旅遊App】World Travel Phrases-APP點子

World Travel Phrases is an application developed to make life easier for travelers. Being 100% offline, is independent of data roaming or availability of wifi for your use.

It is a expressions dictionary which includes four of the most spoken languages ​​in the world (English, Spanish, French and Portuguese) making communication in foreign countries extremely easy and straightforward.

The interface is very simple, and makes the user experience much more enjoyable with phrases and separate entries by categories and alphabetically.

The categories are:

- Basic;

- Signaling;

- Numbers;

- Money;

- Hours, Days and Months;

- Day periods;

- Duration;

- Colors;

【免費旅遊App】World Travel Phrases-APP點子

- Directions;

- Transport;

- Accommodation;

- Bars and Restaurants;

- Food;

- Drinks;

- Shopping;

- Driving;

- Unforeseen;

- Authority.

There is also the option to search for phrases and words, and the user can perform the demand both in the original language as in language translated, facilitating use in everyday situations.

The WTP is a must for travelers who require quick translation for many different situations of the day.

In addition, serves to increase the vocabulary of the user in foreign languages.

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