Wifi map with Nokia map|工具線上App不用買


【免費工具App】Wifi map with Nokia map-APP點子

It is an application to show how to develop location application with Nokia HTML5 api in android.

In this application, you can see:

1. Auto scan Wifi APs in a service and store them in database.

2. Show them in Nokia Maps with Nokia HTML5 API.

3. You can move to your current position with position Button, which is implemented by android location manager.

4 How Android MapView interact with JaveScript.

5. How to debug the error of Javascript in Android.

【免費工具App】Wifi map with Nokia map-APP點子

6. More features soon.


This application only collects the SSID (Wifi AP's name) and its location information, WILL NOT save the password of AP, so please DON'T worry the security issue.

If you want to turn off the wifi scan, you can press the top-right button in Map View, unless the GPS and service will run all the time. And it will store the AP's information every 3 minutes.


1.The performance seems not be so prefect.

2.Position Button may delete all Pois of AP.

【免費工具App】Wifi map with Nokia map-APP點子

Source code provided, see detail in website.

【免費工具App】Wifi map with Nokia map-APP點子

免費玩Wifi map with Nokia map APP玩免費

免費玩Wifi map with Nokia map App

Wifi map with Nokia map APP LOGO

Wifi map with Nokia map LOGO-APP點子

Wifi map with Nokia map APP QRCode

Wifi map with Nokia map QRCode-APP點子
香港 Hong KongAndroid
Google Play