Weird Laws International|娛樂線上App不用買


【免費娛樂App】Weird Laws International-APP點子

Did you know that in Singapore it is illegal to sell gum? Or that in Germany every office must have a view of the sky? The world is filled with crazy laws and now you can read about them with Weird Laws International!Weird Laws International couldn't be simpler. Just click the "Next" and "Previous" button to navigate through the crazy laws. A quick press of the "Random" button will show you a random law. You'll be laughing for hours at the crazy laws some countries have!Weird Laws International works with all generations of the iPhone, as well as the 2nd generation iPod Touch.Any reference to any third-party products, services, names, or other information, by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, developer, supplier or otherwise, is for convenience or comparison only, and does not constitute nor imply endorsement, affiliation, or sponsorship thereof. All characters, names, titles, likeness, and other content used or depicted in this product (even those based on real products or real people, either living or dead) are entirely fictional. Any similarity to actual products, or persons either living or dead, is purely coincidental. Any coincidental likeness and or voices are not real. This product is for entertainment purposes only and is not authorized or endorsed. All trademarks, service marks, product, service, or other names mentioned herein, are the property of their respective owners, and no claim is made to any such mark, product, service or other name.

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