VocaPod 高考TOEIC Lite, (EN-CN)声单词|教育線上App不用買


【免費教育App】VocaPod 高考TOEIC Lite, (EN-CN)声单词-APP點子

High price and high efficiency. Only the ones who know the efficiency of VocaPod App. after using Free Version, take Full Version.『通过2000个单词完成英语学习』只听5分钟就能掌握20个单词的VocaPod使用常用英语时代,科学地学习英语VocaPodVocaPod 2000 将以完善的项目及俱全的功能重新升级。增加了用英语来说明英语单词的 Advanced Learning, 和新闻,报道,随笔等多种形式的文章 Article Learning。『Update VocaPod APP 结构及特征』Basic Learning : 1。当地配音演员和具有不同声音的4个人(男2女2)A,B,C,D将把一个单词快速朗读3遍。2。当地人语音和英语发音的组合,只是在听也能在脑子里浮现出单词的意思及图象。3。画面上自动闪烁的英语字母将帮助您迅速记忆。4。通过功能性游戏来测试单词掌握程度。(声音和文字的搭配)5。筛选出已学过的单词,只选择剩下的单词来反复学习的功能。(My Vocab功能)Advanced Learning :1。当地人将用英语来说明单词(英英词典),通过单词学习来提高听力,造句能力2。利用'同义词测验功能'来学习同义词3。通过'功能性游戏'来测试用英语来说明的单词所在文章的听力能力4。筛选已学过的单词,只选择剩下的单词来反复学习的功能。(My Vocab功能) Article Learning :1。一个单词在同一个Article里连续使用一次以上的多种Articles2。一个单词解释为不同意思的情况下,也可通过一个Article 来学习3。听取新闻主播似的快速准确的语音音频来提高听力4。筛选已学过的Article,反复学习剩下的Article的功能(My Article功能) 单词的崭新的科学定义(From VOCAPOD,Jong Keun Choi,BooksHill出版社):单词是同感官和运动的大脑处理速度同步化的Clock速度分量的,以一个声音音频数形象发展为多个形象的范畴概念的一张图象。(单词是一种含有以声音为主的形象和概念的图象)文章的新的一种定义(From VocaPod,Jong Keun Choi, BooksHill出版社):文章是由多个单词排列而成的时空中的物质和意识的变化及发展为范畴而描述的多个单词的系统排列组合。请检索"VocaPod"日语,汉语,德语,西班牙语VocaPod尽在其中!![[VocaPod – Complete English learning through 2000 words]]Scientific learning method in the age of English as practical global language[[ Features in VocaPod]]Basic Learning : 1. Four different native speakers, two males and two females, respectively designated as A, B, C, and D will pronounce each word three times. 2. Combining native sound with English sound will enable one to match the meaning and sound like a picture. 3. English spelling blinks onscreen to trigger automatic associative memory 4. Vocabulary stage test through game (sound-word matching)5. My Vocab function - Selective study function which allows learners to study words repeatedly except the ones that they already finished studying Advanced Learning :1. Improve listening comprehension and composition skill by listening to words explained in English by native speaker (English-English dictionary) 2. Learn synonyms via synonym test 3. Test one’s listening comprehension capacity via game4. My Vocab function - Selective study function which allows learners to study words repeatedly except the ones that they already finished studying Article Learning :1. Diverse articles in which one word is used more than three times in one article2. Learn different usage of a word by studying one article3. Improve listening comprehension ability by listening to fast and precise pronunciation like a newscaster4. My Article - Selective study function which allows learners to study articles repeatedly except the ones that they already finished studying

【免費教育App】VocaPod 高考TOEIC Lite, (EN-CN)声单词-APP點子

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