Victoria at the Flu Doctor|休閒線上App不用買


【免費休閒App】Victoria at the Flu Doctor-APP點子

Hi girls? Do you like doctor baby games? Today a cute girl Victoria need your help because she got cold and flu from the ice cream that she eating at her school. Victoria had a fun day at school. She was awarded the first prize for the spell be competition. So she decides to celebrate it by having her favourite ice cream from the ice cream stall outside the school. But the ice cream was too cold and unfortunately she got cold and flu. Now victoria is not feeling weel. She needs a doctor. As a doctor, you have to treat Victoria and cure her ilness so that she doesn't miss the school next day. We have more games for girls that you can try on our mGamey profile, there you can find a lot of baby games and doctor games that you can play for Free! If you like this girl game please Rate it and Share with your friends!

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【免費休閒App】Victoria at the Flu Doctor-APP點子

【免費休閒App】Victoria at the Flu Doctor-APP點子

【免費休閒App】Victoria at the Flu Doctor-APP點子

【免費休閒App】Victoria at the Flu Doctor-APP點子

【免費休閒App】Victoria at the Flu Doctor-APP點子

【免費休閒App】Victoria at the Flu Doctor-APP點子

【免費休閒App】Victoria at the Flu Doctor-APP點子

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Victoria at the Flu Doctor APP LOGO

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Victoria at the Flu Doctor APP QRCode

Victoria at the Flu Doctor QRCode-APP點子
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