Universal Asset's|商業線上App不用買


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We at Universal Asset's understands the needs of equipment & technology in today's world. That is why we have developed a way to re-use and recycle all products we handle.

Most Process, Packaging and Computer related items are still working and may meet the needs of many people.

We believe Equipment recycling should be about keeping the item alive as long as possible. This is why we re-use and refurbish most of the Equipment we get; unlike other recyclers who destroy all items working or not. We make sure to refurbish and save.

We practice safe and efficient recycling. All items are handled in a safe manor with no impact to the environment.

Our goal is to reuse all items and extend the life as long as possible to provide a viable alternative to waste ending up in our landfills.

Mobile App Features:

Call us with “one touch” dialing.

View our products and services on the go

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