Ultimate Tic Tac Toe|解謎線上App不用買


【免費解謎App】Ultimate Tic Tac Toe-APP點子

Ultimate Tic Tac Toe is an advanced version of classic Tic Tac Toe game. In this version, nine mini-boards are laid down in 3X3 main board. The goal is to win three miniboards in a row (horizontal, vertical or diagonal). User do have an option to play the classic 3*3 Tic Tac Toe or the advanced 9*9 Ultimate Tic Tac Toe. The rules for advanced version are as follows.

Basic Rules

【免費解謎App】Ultimate Tic Tac Toe-APP點子

- Each turn you mark one of the small mini board.

【免費解謎App】Ultimate Tic Tac Toe-APP點子

- When you get 3 in a row in a small miniboard (the normal tic tac toe rules apply), you win that miniboard.

【免費解謎App】Ultimate Tic Tac Toe-APP點子

- When you get 3 miniboards in a row (horizontal, vertical or diagonal), you win the game.

Important Rules

【免費解謎App】Ultimate Tic Tac Toe-APP點子

- You don’t get to pick which of the nine miniboards to play on. That’s determined by your opponent’s previous move. Whichever square he picks, the corresponding miniboard you must play in next. And whichever square you pick will determine which miniboard he plays on next. (Don't worry, the app will guide you which miniboard to go to next, based on [the rules)

【免費解謎App】Ultimate Tic Tac Toe-APP點子

- If your opponent sends you to a miniboard already been won, you can then go to any of the available miniboards of your choice.

【免費解謎App】Ultimate Tic Tac Toe-APP點子

- If your opponent sends you to a miniboard already full, you can then go to any of the available miniboards of your choice.

【免費解謎App】Ultimate Tic Tac Toe-APP點子

- If one of the miniboard results in tie, then it is won by neither X or O.

The detailed rules and the history behind the game can be found on http://mathwithbaddrawings.com/2013/06/16/ultimate-tic-tac-toe/ .

This is our first App in Play store. Please support us by sending your feedback.


Math With Bad Drawings Link - http://mathwithbaddrawings.com/2013/06/16/ultimate-tic-tac-toe/

Hacker News Link - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5898506

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