UD Navigator|教育線上App不用買


【免費教育App】UD Navigator-APP點子

UD Navigator enables the students of the University of Dammam to browse for courses, staff and events and find their location on a map in addition to detail information. The user can do the following:

• Browse course schedule by campus, college, subject and catalog ID.

【免費教育App】UD Navigator-APP點子

• View course details and locate the building where the course is offered on a Map.

• Browse the list of events and view event details.

【免費教育App】UD Navigator-APP點子

• Locate the building where the event is taking place on a map.

• Browse the list of faculty staff and view detail information about the staff.

【免費教育App】UD Navigator-APP點子

• Find a building location by name on a map.

【免費教育App】UD Navigator-APP點子

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免費玩UD Navigator App

UD Navigator APP LOGO

UD Navigator LOGO-APP點子

UD Navigator APP QRCode

UD Navigator QRCode-APP點子
美國 (U.S.A)iOS
App Store