Tysdo - Things You Should Do|生活線上App不用買


【免費生活App】Tysdo - Things You Should Do-APP點子

Tysdo - Things You Should Do has created a network that makes it possible to share life’s experiences through a virtual bucket list, from simple tasks such as giving a stranger a hug to traveling the world, Tysdo promotes challenges that give participants a chance to win awesome prizes and even better, experience life to the fullest. Giving people the incentive to transform their lackluster lives to a life filled with breathtaking moments. Tysdo wants to make all your wishes, big or small, a reality. As you share what you have done, are doing or want to do, you are essentially creating a guide that will prompt you to stop dreaming, and start doing. Tysdo aims to create a community where users can connect with others by sharing experiences, and thus prompt people to fulfill their own dreams!Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. The world is out there full of opportunities and Tysdo can help make these possibilites a reality! What is your wish? What is your Tysdo?Features:• Add and organize your wishes through a list;• Upload your accomplishments through photos, descriptions, location and date;• Share your wishes and dreams with the world and encourage others;• Get motivated by others and receive steps on how to conquer one of your desires;• Add other people’s wishes to your list;• Share your accomplishments on Facebook and Twitter.Examples of Things You Should Do:• Run a marathon;• Learn to cook;• Watch the sunset;• Go bungee jumping;• Get married on the beach;• Eat pizza in Italy;• Live in another country;• Write a book;• Donate blood;• Go to a music festival;• Go on a safari in Africa;• Lose weight;• Meditate.Show the world what you are capable of... With Tysdo!Website: https://tysdoapp.com/enSupport: support@tysdoapp.com

【免費生活App】Tysdo - Things You Should Do-APP點子

【免費生活App】Tysdo - Things You Should Do-APP點子

【免費生活App】Tysdo - Things You Should Do-APP點子

【免費生活App】Tysdo - Things You Should Do-APP點子

【免費生活App】Tysdo - Things You Should Do-APP點子

【免費生活App】Tysdo - Things You Should Do-APP點子

【免費生活App】Tysdo - Things You Should Do-APP點子

【免費生活App】Tysdo - Things You Should Do-APP點子

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